The administrator of the Union Registry within the scope covered by this instruction is the National Centre for Emissions Management (hereinafter referred to as KOBiZE).

1. Application forms

  • The application form for entering data into the Union Registry can be found at::
  • Before proceeding to fill out the application form for opening or updating an account in the Union Registry, individuals designated as Authorized Representatives should have:
    • URID - user identifier in the Union Registry system,
    • MUDI - identifier of the mobile device on which the user has installed the EU Login application used to authenticate processes carried out in the Union Registry.
  • URID and MUDI can be obtained by following The User Guide for the EU Login system available on: the KOBiZE website.
  • In the Union Registry, there is a possibility to open four types of accounts:
    • Installation account,, intended for entities operating installations that hold permits issued under the Act of 12 June 2015 on the emissions trading system1;
    • Aircraft Operator account, intended for aviation operators covered by the emissions trading system;
    • Maritime Operator account, intended for shipping companies covered by the emissions trading system;
    • ­ Both entities obligated to participate in the system and those voluntarily wishing to participate can open a Trading account.
  • Each Authorized Representative assigned to the Account performs one of the roles listed in Table 1.
  • Table 1. Roles and rights of Authorized Representatives

    No. Role of Authorized Representative Role identifier Right to:
    1 Initiate Only I initiate processes, e.g., transactions, adding an account to the TAL (Trusted Accounts List)
    2 Approve Only Z approve processes, e.g., confirming transactions, adding an account to the TAL
    3 Initiate and Approve I+Z initiate processes and approve processes initiated by another Authorized Representative
    4 Read Only O view only information regarding the Account
  • In the application, two to eight Authorized Representatives can be specified. In the case of assigning only two Authorized Representatives to the Account, only four combinations of roles are possible, as presented in Table 2.
  • Table 2. Possible combinations of roles when only two Authorized Representatives are assigned to the Account

    No. User 1 User 2
    1 I Z
    2 I+Z Z
    3 I I+Z
    4 I+Z I+Z

    Each subsequent Authorized Representative can perform any of the roles indicated in Table 1.

  • When the application form is correctly completed and approved on the website, it will be sent to the email address provided by the person filling out the form. The application, signed by the person or persons authorized to represent the entity (in accordance with the representation method specified for the entity), along with attachments, should be sent:
    • in paper form by mail to the address:
      • Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute
      • KOBiZE
      • With the note: „Union Registry"
      • ul. Słowicza 32
      • 02-170 Warsaw
    • or electronically to the email address
  • The administrator opens an account and updates account data within 20 working days from the date of receiving a properly completed application along with a complete set of attachments (subject to Article 15a (3) paragraph 2 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 2019/1122).
  • If a user whose account has been previously deactivated is designated for the role of Authorized Representative, they should create a new account to obtain new URID.

2. Required documents

2.1 Opening an account

In order to open an account, the applicant must complete the application form for entering data into the Union Registry, specifying the purpose of the application as: Openinig of an account in the Union Registry and indicating the appropriate account type.

Along with the application to KOBiZE, appropriate documents must be provided, according to the table below.

Table 3. List of Required Documents

No. Documents Type of an account
Installation Account Aircraft Operator Account Maritime Operator Account Trading Account
1 Copy of identity document for all Authorized Representatives assigned to the account:
  • identity card issued by a state belonging to the European Economic Area or the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, or
  • passport.
2 Official document confirming the place of residence of the Authorized Representative assigned to the account, if not indicated in the submitted identity document, one of the following:
  • proof of residence,
  • PESEL registry certificate, or
  • residence card.
The document issuance date should not be older than three months from the date of submission.
3 Criminal record information for all Authorized Representatives designated to the account. The information should originate from the criminal record of the country of citizenship of the Authorized Representative and should not be older than three months from the date of submission. When submitting an electronically signed criminal record certificate (e-KRK), relevant files should be sent to the address
copy of identity document along with proof of residence (see points 1 and 2).
5 Document clearly defining the structure of a capital group or a declaration in this regard (the declaration should be submitted even if the entity is not part of a group).
The document should be signed by a person/ people representing the company.
6 Proof of payment of the account opening fee amounting to PLN 2,000 (Article 13 (1) of the Act1)
7 In the case of a FOREIGN ENTITY applicant, additional documents are required:
  • proof of legal entity registration,
  • document confirming the current entity representation,
  • VAT registration confirmation (if applicable),
  • information on a bank account held for an applicant.
8 In the case of a SHIPOWNER applicant:
  • statements and information on type of a shipping company,
  • a list of ships along with their IMO numbers owned by the entity.
    In the case of changes, the list should be updated within 20 working days and submitted to the national administrator indicating the new shipowner (when the ship is removed from the list).
9 In the case where the applicant is NOT THE OWNER OF THE SHIP:
10 In the case of a LEGAL ENTITY applicant:
  • document issued by the relevant tax office confirming the applicant's registration as a VAT payer,
  • information regarding the beneficial owner, to be provided on the declaration form,
  • criminal record information regarding all its representatives - management board members and beneficial owner.
    The information should originate from the criminal record of the country of citizenship of the person and should not be older than three months from the date of submission.
11 In the case of a NATURAL PERSON:
Criminal record information, should originate from the criminal record of the country of citizenship of the person and should not be older than three months from the date of submission.
12 Certificate issued by a bank, having its registered office in Poland or another country belonging to the European Economic Area, confirming that the applicant holds an active bank account. The document issuance date should not be older than three months from the date of submission.


In the case where a proxy has been designated to sign the application and represent the entity applying for the account opening or data update, a specific power of attorney must be provided along with confirmation of payment of the tax fee.

The power of attorney template is available on the KOBiZE website.

2.2. Updating account information

  • In order to update account information, you must complete the application form for entering data into the Union Registry, specifying the purpose of the application as: Updating data in the Union Registry and indicating the appropriate account type.
  • Along with the application to KOBiZE, appropriate documents must be provided, unless they have been provided earlier or the content of previously submitted documents is outdated (e.g., new Authorized Representatives have been appointed to the account):
    • for Installation accounts - attachments listed in Table 3, points 1 - 5;
    • for Aircraft Operator accounts - attachments listed in Table 3, points 1 - 5 and 7;
    • for Maritime Operator accounts - attachments listed in Table 3, points 1 - 5 and 7 - 9;
    • for Trading accounts - attachments listed in Table 3, points 1 - 5 and 10 - 12.
  • Additionally, in the case of a change in the name of the installation operator, a copy of the permit confirming the new entity name must be submitted.
  • If the submitted document, in the form of a certificate, declaration or information, does not have a specified validity date according to the law, after completion of the review as referred to in Article 22(4) of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2019/11222, the Administrator may request the re-submission of the current document.

3. Documents issued in electronic form or electronically signed


Electronic documents may only be sent to the address

Sending paper-based visualizations/printouts of electronic documents prolongs the application review process.

  • There is an option to submit documents:
    • Issued in electronic form e.g., a proof of residence from the PESEL registry, information from the criminal registry (e.g., e-KRK),
    • Electronically signed e.g., application for opening or updating account data in the Union Registry or electronically certified by a notary copy of an identity document.
  • According to paragraph 3(2) of the Terms of use, applications to the Union Registry may be electronically signed: with a qualified or trusted signature. Document signing using a trusted signature can be done through the website:
  • A proof of residence from the PESEL registry can be obtained individually by each person registered in Poland through the platform, where the option to download a certificate from the PESEL registry should be selected, and identity should be confirmed with a Trusted Profile. Please download certificates only for the place of residence, not with the full range of data.

  • In the case of electronic criminal record information (e-KRK) obtained through the e-platform of the Polish Ministry of Justice, please only send the .xml file (the .pdf file and its printout do not constitute a formal document and should not be sent).

  • All documents issued in electronic form or with an electronic signature should be sent to Please DO NOT PRINT them and do not send them by traditional mail.

    4. Documents’ copies

    • If copies of documents are submitted with the application, they should be certified as true copies of the originals by a notary. The date of notarial certification must not be earlier than three months before the date of submission.
    • In the case of multiple applications for opening an account or updating data submitted by the same applicant, multiple copies of the same documents should not be sent. Similarly, it is not required to send copies of documents that have been previously submitted for the opening or updating of another account, if they remain valid on the date of submission of the new application.
    • In the case of presenting originals - identity card or passport at the KOBiZE office, the administrator will prepare a protocol of their presentation.

    5. Legalization and translation

    5.1. Legalization

    • Documents and copies of documents issued by authorities of other countries should be::
      • legalized or
      • affixed with an apostille clause if the country from which the document originates is a party to the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents, drawn up in The Hague on October 5, 19613.
      The date of legalization or an apostille affixation must not be earlier than three months before the date of submission of the documents.Legalization and apostille affixation are not required if a bilateral agreement between the Republic of Poland and the country from which the document originates, or a multilateral agreement, abolished or simplified legalization, or exempted such a document from legalization.
    • Official documents issued in EU Member States, covered by Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 20164 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation 2016/1191), i.e.:
      • official documents confirming the place of residence or residence and
      • official documents confirming the absence of a criminal record,
      as well as copies of these documents certified as true copies in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation 2016/11915, are exempt from the legalization, apostille, and similar procedures.
    • Documents issued by EU Member States confirming identity (identity card or passport) are not subject to legalization, apostille, or similar requirements.

    5.2. Translation

    • All documents drawn up in a language other than Polish should be translated into Polish by a sworn translator.
    • Translation is not required for passports or identity cards issued in EU Member States in a language other than Polish, provided that they additionally contain a description in English and the person's data is recorded in a modified Latin alphabet.
    • The presentation of a translation of an official document is also not required if an official document covered by the Regulation 2016/1191 is submitted together with a multilingual standard form referred to in Article 7 of this Regulation - if the information contained in the multilingual standard form is sufficient to proceed based on this official document.

    6. Fees

    All fees related to opening and maintaining an account should be deposited into a dedicated bank account of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management:

    BGK III/o Warsaw account number: 22 1130 1062 0000 0109 9520 0012, SWIFT code: GOSK PL PW.

    1. The Act of June 12, 2015, on greenhouse gases emissions trading system (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 589).

    2. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/1122 of 12 March 2019 supplementing Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the functioning of the Union Registry (Official Journal of the European Union L 177 of 2.7.2019, p. 3, as amended).

    3. The Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, done at The Hague on 5 October 1961 (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 112, item 938).

    4. Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (Official Journal of the European Union L 200 of 26 July 2016, pp. 1–136).

    5. For the purposes of Regulation 2016/1191, a "certified true copy" means a copy of the original official document, signed and certified as a faithful and complete reproduction of such original official document by the authority of the Member State authorized to do so under the national law of the same Member State that issued the official document.

    Document version: 1.5, Publication date: 2024-05-13